午前中の栂池から戻ってきてお昼ご飯。から午後は11線に。僕は今季初。運用から2年目となる今年は手続きが少しばかり変わったようですね。その確認もしたく。さて5線を乗って11線へ。係員の方から住所と名前を書く紙を渡され、了承のチェックボックスにチェックを入れ、500円を渡す。すると上記の腕章を渡され、これにて次回からはシーズン中、提示するだけでリフトに乗ることが出来るという。そして昨年にあった腕章の返却、といった手続きはもう不要。持っててくださいと。なるーー。そして乗り場にはリフト券のセンサーも設置。乗るのには他のリフト同様、スキー場の一日券他で可。ちなみにこのリフトは下山で乗ることも可能となっており、ゆえに乗り場に板やストックを置き、景色を眺めるためだけに上がって降りてくる乗車も可能です。係員の方から「観光ですか?」に「ハイ」と答えればOK。これに手続きや500円の腕章は不要。そしてこの11線の降り場の標高が、あの20分かけてゴンドラで上がる栂池の、ゴンドラ降り場の標高とほぼ一緒であるということは覚えておきたい。ハクノリではその標高にリフト2本で達します・・。そして、達した先は尾根上の単なる1ピーク。そこからゲレンデに滑って戻れるよう、切り開かれた、もしくは整備されたコースは1本たりともありません。ナッシング・・。で、北向き斜面側(←コルチナの方向/ゲレンデには無い急斜度)を降りれば自然とボトムで黒川沢に合流し、そこからは幾多の人が同じところを滑ってボブスレーコースのようになったルートの試練をこなし、6線のゲレンデに出てこれる、、といった構図になってます。まぁ軽い気持ちで入ると3時間コースで疲弊生還、ってことになるやもね。。裏は携帯電話が繋がりにくい/全く繋がらない、というのもまた加えて厄介なんですよね。ゆえに宿泊のお客さまには行ってほしくない、というのが宿主の本音。夕方になって帰ってこない場合、僕が警察に救助要請出すか出さないかの判断を求められます。。行きたい方はまずはチェックアウトしてから願います(←いやホント)。といった11線の近況報告でありました〜。 2024年1月29日
After returning from Tsugaike in the morning, we had lunch. to 11 line in the afternoon. It's my first time this season. It seems that the procedures have changed slightly this year, which is the second year of operation. I would like to confirm that as well. Now, take the 5th line and go to the 11th line. The staff member hands me a piece of paper to write my name and address on, I check the checkbox confirming my consent, and I hand him 500 yen. He then handed me an armband, and from the next season onwards, I would be able to ride the lift just by showing it. And there is no longer any need to go through the process of returning armbands, which was done last year. Please have it. I see. A lift ticket sensor is also installed at the platform. Just like other lifts, you can ride it with a day pass to the ski resort. By the way, it is also possible to ride this lift on the way down, so you can leave your skis and poles at the platform and come up and ride down just to admire the scenery. If you answer "Yes" to the staff's "Are you sightseeing?" question, it's OK. There is no need for formal procedures or a 500 yen armband. Also, it is important to remember that the altitude of the drop off point for Line 11 is almost the same as the altitude of the gondola drop off point at Tsugaike, which takes 20 minutes to take the gondola up. At Hakunori, you can reach that altitude with two lifts... And what we reached was just one peak on the ridge. There isn't a single trail cut or groomed to allow you to ski back to the slopes. nothing・・. Then, if you go down the north facing slope (← in the direction of Cortina/a steep slope not found on resort slopes), you will naturally join Kurokawasawa at the bottom, and from there you will be able to see many people skiing on the same spot and join the bobsled course. The composition is such that you can complete the trial of the route that has become like this and come out on the slope of the 6th line. Well, if you go in with a light mindset, you'll probably survive the 3-hour course. . On the other hand, it's difficult to connect to your mobile phone, or it won't connect at all, which is another complication. Therefore, the host's true feelings are that they do not want their guests to go there. If he does not return in the evening, I will be asked to decide whether or not to call the police for help. . If you want to go, please check out first (← this is also true). It was a recent status report on the 11th line. Take care and enjoy.  January 29, 2024