実は彼女は今日が今シーズンの初スキー。ひゃぁ===!!ゲレンデ脇に住んでるのに〜〜。って、現実は案外とそういうんだったりするわけですよ。。5月までは長いっすからね。キープで平たく滑れる年もあれば、どこかにピークのある年もある。それでもこうして青空の下、白い山がガキィーン!としてそこにあり、人の少ない平日に、それが短い時間であったとしても、他所よりも圧倒的に広い栂池のバーンを楽しく滑ることのできる日がシーズン中に何日かあれば・・それで良いのですよ、ほんとそう。。初日が出た今日はメデタシメデタシでありましたー。 2024年1月29日
In fact, today is her first ski of the season. Hyaaaa ===! ! She lives next to a ski slope. Well, the reality is surprisingly like that. . It's a long time until the season ends in May. There are years when you can keep it flat and there are years when you have a peak somewhere. Still, the white mountains are gorgeous under the blue sky! Even if it's only for a short time on weekdays when there are fewer people, there are a few days during the season when you can have fun skiing the slopes of Tsugaike, which is overwhelmingly wider than other places. That's fine, really. . I'm so happy that we were able to celebrate our first day safely. January 29, 2024