昨日は1線(ファミリーコース)だけのOPEN。そして今日は1と6と4を動かす予定であるという。そーですかー!4線(だけ)が動く・・スバラシイ♪と言いながらも出遅れてしまいリフトに乗ったのが11:00。目論んだ斜面にはボーダーの跡がたったの3本のみ(あれれ?)。そう、名だたるスキー場に囲まれた我がゲレンデ良さはなんと言ってもこの「静か〜」なとこなんですよ、うんうん。リフトを降りて5分ばかり歩きます。足もとはXplore。ステップ板。板のまま歩けます。そしてドロップ。しゅる〜〜。何の問題もなくキモチよく。見るとセーターの腹の部分が真っ白け。肘も同様。へぇーー。雪をほろいます(←これ方言?)。計3本、ありがとうございました〜。帰ってセーターを脱いだら下に着ていたコットンのパーカーもまた濡れておりました。。そうなんだ、、セーターPOWは下に着るものを考えないとな。勉強になりました。。さて、今回の動画も前回のと同様に座学動画を差し挟んでおります。ま、この通りの動きをしてこんな滑りになってますよー、な一連です。気づきの参考になればと思います。本人的なところでは、「片方の板のテールでブレーキかけてリリースして・・の単なる繰り返しの直滑降ですー」は前回と全く一緒。そしてこれは整地/圧雪でも全く一緒なんですよー・・というのがB-teleメソッドね。ダウンヒルという物理の環境下にあって優先されるべきは「如何にターンをするか」ではなくて「いかに上手にブレーキをコントロールするか」なのっす。後者の命題にフィットしようとするのがB-tele。で、おそらく前者がA-tele。目の前に拡がる新雪深雪斜面!いざターンしようとしてズブズブズブズブ・・、あららら・・、そんな経験ありませんか?何がいけなかったのかしら?バランスが崩れた原因は片足荷重になっちゃったから?ずーっと両足均等荷重大事大事〜。って思う人はもの凄く多いみたい(←イシキダ調べによる)。で、最終的に解を見つけられずに太い板を買うことでなんとなくのオチとして。でもその太い板の出番に遭遇することは稀であり、結局は沈みもしない圧雪のゲレンデを滑ることとなり、ちびっこの脇を暴走する輩となり下がる・・な顛末。は以上、僕の見解。全ての根源は「スキーはターンだ」の呪縛かもしれませんよ。。ここ、根は実に深いんだけれども、所詮は内心のことなんですよ。ゆえに捨てなくても良いので、一個違うフォルダを別に作ってね、「スキーはブレーキだよー」の名前を付けてみてはどうですかね?そしたらセーター着てPOWDERに行けるようになりますヨ。ただし下には濡れないもの着よう! 2023年12月23日
Only the 1st lift (family course) was open yesterday. And today they plan to operate 1, 6, and 4. Is that so? But I was late and got on the lift at 11:00. There were only three snowborders marks on the slope we were aiming for. Yes, the great thing about our slopes, which are surrounded by famous ski resorts, is that they are quiet. Get off the lift and walk for about 5 minutes. At my feet is Xplore. Waxless ski. And drop. Shuru~~. Feels good without any problems. When I looked at it, the belly of the sweater was completely white. Same goes for the elbows. Shake to remove snow. Thank you very much for the 3 downhill runs. When I got home and took off my sweater, the cotton hoodie I was wearing underneath was also wet. . That's right, I need to think about what to wear underneath the POW sweater. I learned a lot. . Well, like the last time, this video also includes a lecture video. Well, it moves exactly like this and skies like this. I hope this will be helpful for your understanding. Personally, I thought it was exactly the same as last time, ``It's just a straight downhill of repeatedly applying the brake on the tail of one ski and releasing it...''. And this is exactly the same for compacting snow...that's the B-tele method. In the physical environment of downhill riding, the priority is not ``how to turn,'' but ``how well to control the brakes.'' B-tele attempts to fit into the latter proposition. So, the former is probably A-tele. Freshly snowy slopes spread out in front of you! Have you ever experienced something like that when you're about to make a turn and become sluggish? I wonder what went wrong? Was the cause of the loss of balance due to the weight being placed on one leg? It's important to always load both feet equally. It seems like there are a lot of people who think that way (according to research by telehiro myself). So, in the end, you couldn't find a solution and ended up buying a fat ski as a punch line. However, it is rare to encounter such a fat ski, and in the end, you end up skiing on a slope of compacted snow that does not sink, and you end up running out of control next to a small child. That's my opinion. The root of all this may be the curse of ``Skiing is a turn.'' The roots are deep, but it's just a matter of ideas. Therefore, you don't have to throw it away, so why not create a separate folder and name it ``Skiing is about adjusting the brakes.''  Then you'll be able to wear a sweater and go to POWDER. However, be sure to wear something that won't get wet underneath!  December 23, 2023