BCクロカン仕様のお客さんと吹雪きの栂池に。上の積雪はセンター幅68mmの板を履いて膝下ラッセルレベル。を快調にジグザグして登行路完成〜。あとはひたすら登って滑り落ちるのを繰り返すのみ。いやぁー、面白いなぁー。さて新雪の深さに対してまずは板が細い、と仮定しよう。当然、潜ります。斜度は中くらい。これでは直滑降しても進みません。板を浮かそうとボンボンしても効果薄〜。揃えた両足のスネから膝のところにはどんどんと雪が溜まります。それがまた壁になりまた落ちて行かないような・・。の時にですね、片方の足をすぅーっと前に伸ばします。足首伸ばして半歩前。足だけね。そうすると溜まっていた雪が2本のスネの隙間から一気に後方に流れ出します。と同時にしゅる〜とスピードが上がり浮き出します。あとはこの交互にこの運動を繰り返し、交互に隙間を開け続けます。これをもしかしたら「ターンだ」と分類する人もいるでしょう。一方では効率を求めた結果の「直滑降だよ」という意見・・これが僕。隙間を開けられる。そこから雪を流せる。凄くないですか!?BCクロカンやXploreで履くローカットブーツではコレができるんですよね。方や足首を伸ばして前に出せる足。方やカカトが上がることなくアシウラ全体で板を押すことのできる足。深雪とローカットブーツの楽しみ方でした。GO~直滑降〜。 2023年12月21日
At Tsugaike in a blizzard with XCD style customers. The snow above is below knee level on skis with a center width of 68mm. Zigzag smoothly and complete the climbing route. All you have to do is keep climbing and skiing down again and again. Well, it's fun. Now, let's assume that the board is thin compared to the depth of the fresh snow. Of course I'll dive. The slope is medium. With this, you can't progress even if you go straight downhill. Even if you try to lift the board, it will have little effect. Snow accumulates steadily from the shins to the knees of both feet. It's like it becomes a wall again and won't fall down... When you do this, stretch one leg straight out in front of you. Stretch your ankles and take a half step forward. Just my legs. This will cause the accumulated snow to flow backwards at once through the gap between the two shins. At the same time, the speed increases and it stands out. Then repeat this exercise alternately and continue to open gaps alternately. Some people may classify this as a "turn." On the other hand, the opinion that ``it's a straight downhill after all'' is the result of a search for efficiency. I support the latter. You can open a gap. Snow can flow from there. Is not it amazing? The low-cut boots worn by NNNBC and Xplore can do this. Legs that can be extended forward by stretching the legs and ankles. On the other hand, a foot that can push the board with the entire sole of the foot without raising the heel. It was a way to enjoy deep snow and low-cut boots. GO~straight downhill~. December 21, 2023