今季初の朝スキーはやはり一通り除雪した後の、出動となりました。。んーー、今年は年末からずぅーーと降り続いているイメージあり。しかも毎回大雪!!そんな昨日も一日中降り続いており、それを今朝になって除雪。4:30に起きると外がやけに明るい!おお、満月かぁ〜〜。歩きに出れるくらいに明るいのね。今思えば出ればよかった。。ま、そんなこんなで朝ごはんをしっかり食べていざ出陣。場所はいつものところ(記録:1 2 3 4 )。いやぁー、雪、多いね。チャージャー正解!シール付けずに斜面も頑張れました。一度道つけちゃえば後は楽勝。そしてここは凸が随所にあって楽しいね。昔は「マッシュ」って呼んでたけど今もそうかしら?計4本、滑って帰って2時間とちょっと。やっぱヒールフリーは歩いて登って滑る、が楽しいっすね。 2022年1月19日
The first morning skiing of this season was dispatched after snow removal. .. Hmmm, there is an image that this year has been falling all the time since the end of the year. Moreover, heavy snow every time! !! It continued to snow all day yesterday, and this morning I removed it. When I wake up at 4:30, the outside is very bright! Oh, it ’s a full moon. It's bright enough to walk. I should have come out. .. Well, like that, I went out to eat breakfast well. The location is always (1 2 3 4), Oh, there is a lot of snow. Charger is correct answer! I did my best on the slope without attaching a sticker. Once you get on the road, the rest is easy. And it's fun because there are bumps everywhere here. I used to call it "mash", but is it still the case? Total of 4 downhills. After all, heel-free is fun to walk, climb and slide. January 19, 2022