除雪の無い、晴れた朝の朝食前には1時間ばかりスキーで歩こうかなと出かけます。「朝スキー行ってきまぁーす」。チョイスする板はいつも長目。そして細め。ダブルキャンバー。つまりは30年近くも前の板。今回はBlackDiamondのValmonteX 200pで。他にはRossignolのChamois AR 205cm。KARHUのCRITERIUM 195p。全て滑走面にはステップカット済み。あと、香ばしいところだとtrakのMARATHON 205cmなんてのも。これは滑走面に既にシールが埋め込んである。。んーー、楽しいなぁー。なにが一番ステキかって、細くて長くてサイドカーブのきつくない板で歩くと、歩いた跡が真っすぐの2本のラインになる。その美しいラインを振り返って眺め眺め、そのために歩いていると言ってもいいかもしれない。普通にテキトーに歩くだけでビシッ!!と真っすぐに。自然と。意識しなくても。これが「美」、って奴。。そういう視点で比べるとファット板やロッカー板の軌跡は案外とヨレヨレなのね。本人たちは真っすぐに歩いてるつもりなれど。。まっさらな白い面にしゅんっ!と伸びる怜悧なライン。を期待して行ったら今日はスノーモービルのキャタピラ痕で既にギタギタモード。嗚呼・・・。今度は雪の降り止んだ月夜に、歩こうかしらね・・。 2021年12月21日
I will go skiing for about an hour before breakfast on a sunny morning without snow removal. "I'm going skiing ." The board to choose is always long. And thin. Double camber. In other words, the board is almost 30 years old. This time Black Diamond's Valmonte X at 200 cm. Another is Rosssignol's Chamois AR 205cm. KARHU's CRITERIUM 195 cm. All are step-cut on the sliding surface. Also, trak's MARATHON 205 cm. This has a skins already embedded in the sliding surface. .. Hmmm, it's fun. What is the most wonderful thing is that when you walk on a thin, long and straight side curve board, you will see the traces of walking 「Two straight and beautiful lines」. It may be safe to say that you are walking for that beautiful line, looking back and looking at it. Just walk normally. Spontaneously. Even if you are not aware of it. This is "beauty". .. Compared from that point of view, traces of the fat board and rocker board is unexpectedly twisted. I think they are walking straight. .. It's a clean white surface! A lonely line that stretches out. When I went there in anticipation of, there were many tracks of snowmobile caterpillars. Oh・・・. I wonder if I should walk on the moonlight night when the snow has stopped falling.    December 21, 2021