「14泊お願いしたいんですけど・・」から始まったお付き合いも残すところあと2晩に(←1泊追加で15泊になった)。その彼は実は1/9からハクノリには居たのです。あ、いや、いらしたのでした(←年上)。。あのサイズだぶだぶの黄色いレインウェアーに白ヘルメットの通称:「イエローメ〜ン」。その足もとたるやBCクロカン!?「あれ何??」(←年上だっ)。をモンベルに連れていき上下を新調してもらう。そしたら案の定普通の人に。イエローメ〜ン卒業。。すると「やっぱりあのイエローがヨカッタですねー/そーですねー(遠い目)」といった展開にもなったりしての2週間。今日は彼自身初となるBCクロカンスキーツアーと相成りました。詳細は動画にて。あまりにも滑りが絵にならない・・というわけであったかどうだか?段差にいざなうとこれがあにはからんやの大正解!!ちゃ〜んと笑える動画となりましたヨ。これで来週からのバックパッカーで外人相手に自慢できよう、というものです。ってか!?まだ貴方はハクノリに居る?あいや、いらっしゃるおつもりでらっしゃるのでしたわね。。南無==。 2024年2月29日
Our relationship, which started with "I'd like to stay 14 nights...", has only two nights left (he added one night, making it 15 nights). He had actually been in Hakunori since January 9th. Oh, no, he stayed (←older). . The baggy yellow rainwear and white helmet are commonly known as "Yellow Men." The legs are also BC cross-country! ? "What's that??" (←He's older again). I took him to Mont-belle and had his top and bottom replaced. Then, as expected, he became a normal person. Graduated from Yellowmen. . Then, over the course of two weeks, I started thinking, ``I really liked that yellow color./That's right.'' (looking far away). Today was his first BC cross-country ski tour. See the video for details. I wonder if the ski footage was too boring? When I invited him to the step in the rice field, he realized that it wouldn't happen! ! It turned out to be a really funny video. With this, he can show off to foreigners at the backpacker accommodation starting next week. I mean! ? Are you still in Hakunori? Well, I guess he was planning on coming. . Namu==. February 29, 2024