やっぱり「サイドカントリー」みたいなスキーは好きじゃないなー、、みたいなことを昨日書いた。ゆえに今日はちゃんとした(←好きな、と言う意味の)BCスキーをしよう!そう朝から決めていた。にも関わらず支度し始めたのが既に9:30過ぎ。なぜか気が向いてテルモスにお湯などを準備。しかしそのまま置き忘れてしまうことになる・・。11線乗車。今日も曇り空からチラチラ雪。辺りはまるで墨絵。あー、白黒で写真撮りたいなぁーなどとリフト上で。歩を進めてブナの森へ。ここでいい。ステップ板でじわじわと高度を稼ぐ。通称:ハイウェイを造成。2本目以降はこの道で楽して登る作戦だ。それにして美しいブナ林。来てヨカッタ・・。1本目。地形が分からないので自撮りはしない。雪質サイコー。なんか熟成されたふんわり雪。やっぱり北斜面なんだな。ハイウェイを登り返して2本目。今度は自撮りに挑戦。しかしコースを変えたのが失敗だった。イマイチな滑走に。すかさずハイウェイ。3本目は1本目のラインを参考にして再び自撮りラン。自撮り/バックカントリー/林間/POWDER/うねうね。んー、やっぱりゲレンデよりは出力落ちるよね。ゲレンデだったらばおおよそ3割減。今日のコンディションなら通常の5割減あたりかしら。をせめて3割減ほどまでに達したい。いや、自撮りしなければ10割なんだから・・とも思わなくもないのだけれど、それはもう1本やっているから充分なんだ。そして4本目。まずまず。でもまだまだ上手に、静かに滑れる余地は大きくある。下手な部分を解析しながらハイウェイを歩いてた。そしたら上から声が。ボードの男女。ここはメインルートからちょっとしか離れていないし。やはり歩いた跡を追って来ちゃうのね。うっ、ツボ足・・。ハイウェイが無残にも穴だらけ。帰るか。ぴゅーっと下ってまほろば到着ちょうど昼。あらま、2時間だったのね。どうりで水分一口も飲まずにいられたわけだ。忘れていったテルモスがそこにありました。明日はもっと奥行ってみようかしらね。 2024年2月7日
Yesterday I wrote something like, ``I don't really like side country skiing after all.'' Therefore, let's do some proper BC skiing today! That's what I had decided this morning. However, it was already past 9:30 when I started getting ready. Rarely, I prepared hot water for THERMOS. However, I ended up leaving it behind... Ride on line 11. It's cloudy again today with a few sprinkles of snow. The area looks like an ink painting. Oh, I want to take a black and white photo, etc., on the lift. Continue walking to the beech forest. It's fine here. Gradually gain altitude with waxless skis. Common name: Highway. From the second climb onwards, the strategy is to simply climb this way. Moreover, it is a beautiful beech forest. good choice・・. 1st one. I don't take selfies because I don't know the terrain. The quality of the snow is awesome. A soft, mature snow. After all, it's a north-facing slope. The second one after climbing back up the highway. This time I tried taking selfies. But changing course was a mistake. For a bad ski. Highway right away. The third line was another selfie run using the first line as a reference. Selfie/Backcountry/Forest/POWDER/Wingling. Hmm, the output is still lower than on the slopes. If it's on the slopes, it's about 30% less. In today's conditions, it's probably about 50% less than normal. I would like to achieve a reduction of at least 30%. Well, I can't help but think that if I don't take selfies, it's 100%, but since I've already done one, it's enough. And the fourth one. There is still a lot of room to ski well and quietly. I was climbing up the highway while analyzing the parts I didn't do well. Then I heard a voice from above. A man and a woman holding snowboards in their hands. This place is only a little far from the main route. As expected, they are following the footsteps I took. Ugh, they're walking around in boots... The highway is full of potholes. I'll go home. After a quick descent, I arrived at Mahoroba just at noon. Oh my, it was two hours. No wonder I didn't drink a single sip of water. The THERMOS that I had forgotten was there. I think I'll try going further away tomorrow. February 7, 2024