今日は11線(←昨シーズンから稼動している新設観光リフト/登りも下りも乗車できる/夏も営業/冬はリフト券で乗れる/スキー下山するコースは迂回路/車道を含め一本もない/皆、山をテキトーに滑って降りてくる)を開拓しよう!と決めていた。まずは全体像として、リフトトップからゲレンデに向かった半分、リフトトップから先に進んでから降りる半分に。今回はそのリフトトップからゲレンデ側の、さらにゲレンデ側半分を下見・・というか開拓、そして理解できれば良いだろう、と言う構えだ。そして立て続けで5サイクル。尾根のあっち、尾根の上、尾根のこっち、そしてボトム・・あいやいやこんな調子では予定の半分にも満たないではないか・・。「人間ってちいさいのね」。昼休憩。再度上がったらもう時間。そうそう、このリフトの最終搭乗は14時なんです。6本目。ラスト一本はリフトトップから真下のラインで降りてみた。の動画が上。急だね〜〜。そしてなるーー。ボトム、皆はこういったラインどりであの砂防の構造物まで達するわけねー。上手にライン、開拓してるわー。ボードはそういうとこセンシティブだからね。参考なるー。さて全体はまだまだ雪は少なくてブッシュやクラックだらけの斜面なり。ゆえに降りれるラインも限られる。しかし流石の北向き斜面は数日前の雪が未だにソフトでふっかふか。人の滑った後でも無問題。そして急〜〜。を滑り落ちる度に頭に浮かぶのは「ターン弧じゃないんだよ!」。明確に必要なのは「ブレーキ操作と素早い方向転換能力のただ二つ」。お!Bテレじゃん。オアトガヨロシイヨウデ・・。 2024年1月30日 追記:動画は山スキーで滑っています。
Line 11:(←New sightseeing lift that has been in operation since last season/You can ride it both up and down the mountain/It also operates in the summer/You can ride it with a one-day ticket in the winter/There is no well-maintained course for skiing down the mountain). Let's explore,I had decided. First of all, let's look at the overall picture: the half from the lift top to the ski resort, and the half from the lift top to the mountain ahead before descending. This time, I'm planning to take a preview of the ski resort side and half of the slope side from the top of the lift... or rather, explore and understand it. And 5 cycles in quick succession. That side of the ridge, the top of the ridge, this side of the ridge, and the bottom...well, at this rate, I'm not even half of what I had planned... "Humans are small, aren't they?" Lunch break. When I got on the lift again, it was time. That's right, the last boarding for this lift is at 2pm. 6th one. For the last one, I descended from the top of the lift on the line directly below. The video is above. It's a steep slope. And then it happens. Bottom, there's no way they are going to reach that sabo structure with these lines. they are developing a good line. Snowboarding is sensitive in that way. It's helpful. Well, there's still not much snow on the whole, and the slope is full of bushes and cracks. Therefore, the lines you can get off on are limited. However, the snow from a few days ago was still soft and fluffy on the north-facing slope. No problem even after skiing with someone else. And as I've said many times before, it's a quite steep slope. Every time I ski, the first thing that comes to mind is, "It's not an arc of a turn!" The only two things that are clearly needed are the ability to operate the brakes and quickly change direction. oh! It's B-tele. What, is that what you wanted to say? . January 30, 2024 P.S.: In the video, I'm skiing on alpine skis. 