スカイホイね。懐かしいね〜。出た時の衝撃はNTNよりも凄かったんじゃなかったかな?75mm用でこのメカメカしさだからね。ロストアロー扱いだったから僕も早くから使わせてもらってたし。で、セットアップしている板がまたVOLANTときた!ふひぃ〜〜〜、サイコーー!!しかもパワーカーブだし〜。のVOLANTはトップシートがステンレス製。だからこれは夕方に持ち出したくなるんだよね。リフトに乗ってるとですね、夕方の斜めの光にギラリ!とギラつくわけですよ。。もう、それを眺めていられるだけで大満足なの。そうなの。ずっと見ててられる。将来にもし何本かしか板残せない・・ってなったらVOLANTは外せないねー、うん。そんな想いのあるセットアップでゲレンデを1時間ばかり。撮って見ると逆光に雪煙。ステキだなぁ〜。自撮りしないと見れないアングル。滑りも手前味噌ながらなかなか上手。しかしなんちゅーかーアレですよ。。これが「テレマークポジション」なる一連を一切無関係にして、通過せずに、やらずして、こういう、いわゆる「テレマークターン」に見えてしまう動きとなる・・なんてメソッドは誰か思いついていたりするのかな?ちないに僕が組み立てたのはB-tele。テレマークポジションの擦り込みを、一切なしでやってるスクールがあったら入校してみたいものだなぁー。 2024年1月29日
SKYHOY. It's so nostalgic. I think the shock when it came out was even greater than NTN's. It's for 75mm and has this mechanical feel. It was treated as the Lost Arrow, so I started using it early on. So, the ski I was setting up was VOLANT! Fuhii~~, that's awesome! ! And it's a power curve. The top sheet of VOLANT is made of stainless steel. That's why I want to take this out in the evening. When you're on the lift, you get a glare from the slanted evening light! That's why it glares. . I'm already very satisfied just looking at it. Is that so. I can watch it all the time. If I only have a few left in the future, I can't leave out VOLANT, yeah. I spent about an hour on the slopes with this thoughtful setup. When I took a video, I saw snow smoke against the backlight. That's wonderful. An angle you can't see unless you take a selfie. Also good at skiing. But what can I say...that's it. . Has anyone come up with a method that completely ignores the series of "telemark positions" and creates a movement that looks like a so-called "telemark turn" without passing through or doing it? By the way, the one I assembled was B-tele. If there's a school that doesn't require any training for telemark positions, I'd like to join it. January 29, 2024