「アサメシマエスキー」、始まりました〜。のために今朝は3時起き。3時半〜5時までの間に除雪。そして5時半に出発。まだ暗い。この時間帯が大好き。車はニルヴァーナにネバーマインド。くぅ〜〜〜。最近こればっか聴いている。秀逸なアルバムだよね、ホント。さて行った先はまだ除雪車走ってた。邪魔しないよう停車して3曲ほど聴いていた。いいなぁー。除雪車が過ぎてから駐車。ヘッドランプ。スキー担いで歩く。スキー履いて歩く。ファーストトラック。まだ真っ暗。今日はいつもの練習バーン。今季初。おぉ==、凸凹してますよー!!マッシュだらけ。素晴らしい。流石に自撮りは無理だろう。無理でした。。3本滑ったら空が白んでました。朝日が顔を出す前の空。美しいなぁ・・・。そんなで帰宅。朝ご飯が実に旨い。そして世間の今日が始まった。 2024年1月26日
"Ski before breakfast" has begun. So I woke up at 3am this morning. Snow removal work was completed between 3:30 and 5:00. And left at 5:30. It's still dark. I love this time of day. The music in the car is Nirvana and Nevermind. Kuu~~~~. This is all I've been listening to lately. It's an excellent album, really. By the way, the snowplow truck was still running at the place I went. I stopped and listened to about 3 songs so as not to disturb them. very nice. Park after the snow plows have passed. Headlight. Walk with skis on my shoulders. Walk with skis on. Fast track. It's still dark. Today is the usual practice slope. First time this season. Oh, it's uneven! ! Full of mash. wonderful. It would be impossible to take a selfie. It was impossible. . After three downhill runs, the sky became brighter. The sky before the morning sun appears. It's beautiful... So I went home. The breakfast is really delicious. And so the world today began. January 26, 2024