前回は「反抗期の板」とか申しておりましたね。。嗚呼、恥ずかしい・・。自分の未熟さを棚に上げ、がまさにこれ。大反省っすよね。苦労して試行錯誤した(←させていただいた、は今風の嫌な言い回し・・)おかげで、大事なこと、つまりはシンプルに基礎的なこと、に気が付くことができました。アーメン。ソーメン・・。いやはやしかし、この板をあらためて観察するにまぁー硬いこと硬いこと。。センターに厚みあるしね〜。それでいて細いっ。とはいえ、鉄の棒じゃーないんだから解はあるわけですよ。そこでテレマークだから2本のスキーでサイドカーブ。いやいやそれするくらいなら何も悩みません。曲がっていくのを待ってて、スピードが落ちたのを確認してからさぁもう一回、、はゲレンデではしない(←キッパリ!)。ってか、この板の性格に合わないと思う。もっとビューン!希望の板なんだよね、たぶんね。ゆえに四苦八苦してた。で分かったことはこれ。どんな板でもエッジを交換されてしまったら終わりなんですよ。あとは抗えない(←最初から抗ってなんていませんけどね・・ by Rossignol)。クロスオーバーのところです。ここが雑になっていたんですね。ゆえにだから今回は板に矯正された、というカタチ。んー、アリガトウ〜1986年Rossignol。目が開いたよ。 2024年1月9日  追記: 古来、柔よく剛を制すの心得なり。思いっきり踏みつけるはヤングなりけり。
Last time, I referred to it as a "rebellious skis." . Ah, it's embarrassing... This is exactly what I wanted to do, putting aside my own immaturity. That's a lot of regret. Through a lot of hard work and trial and error, I was able to realize something important, something simple and basic. No, no, but when I looked at this skis again, it was super hard. . It's thick in the center. And yet it's thin. However, since it is not an iron rod, there is a solution. So since it's a telemark, I do a side curve with two skis. No, I don't have any worries as long as I do that. I waited for it to turn, and after making sure that my speed had slowed down, I tried again... It's not a mountain, so I don't want to do it on a slope with compacted snow. I mean, I don't think it fits the personality of this skis. Please speed it up more! That's probably the ski's hope. That's why I was struggling so much. This is what I found out. No matter what skis you use, once the edges are replaced, it's over. They can't resist anymore. This is the crossover part. This is where things got messy. Therefore, this time it was corrected by the skis. Hmm, thank you ~ 1986 Rossignol. My eyes opened. January 9, 2024   P.S.: Since ancient times, it has been known to control hardness with softness. It would be a bad idea to step on it as hard as you can.