さっと抜け出して4線を2本。これで戻る、というのものゲレンデサイドに住んでるゆえね。。さて、NTNで自撮りしたら足の動きはどう出るんだろう?は予想の通りの分かりにくさとそして動作の見えにくさ。んー、やはりハイカットブーツで下の動画のような動きを表現するのは難しいのだねー。足首の可動域ね。上のバックルをゆるゆるにしててもこうだから。。「技術は環境に由来する。そして道具の支配からは逃れられない(←@読み人知らず)」。でもまぁ、ちょっとのエッセンスだけでも随分と違ってくるわけですから・・参考になりますかね?さて、突然ですが僕はスキーのインストラクターを四半世紀以上もやっておりまして、、そんな僕がお客さんのどこを見てるか・・というとほとんどは「腕」なんですね。腕の「肘の位置」、とか。そこでだいたいの見当がついちゃいます。まぁほぼハズレ無し。腕を前に出している人。僕みたいに肘が体側から動かない人。腕を横に大きく拡げてキープする人、僕みたいに脇を閉じてる人。肩を怒らせて肘が角ばって上に上がってる人、肘に緊張感の無い人。ジブリのカオナシみたいに頭が前に出ちゃってる人、直立な感じの人。ターン後半、外側の手首を内側に巻き込む人、なんにも捻らない人。思い当たるふし、ありますかね??腕は脚を表します。脚は腕に出ます。うちでするセンター・オブ・マスの考え方ですね(↓下に図)。 2023年12月24日
Quickly slip out and get two 4 lines. This is the only reason I would go back because I live right next to the ski slopes. . Now, if you take a selfie with NTN, how will your legs move? As expected, it is difficult to understand and the movement is difficult to see. Hmm, I guess it's difficult to express the movements like the one in the video below with high-cut boots. This is because the range of motion in the ankle is limited. Even if you leave the top buckle loose, it will still look like this. . ``Techniques originate from the environment. Also, you cannot escape from the control of equipment (←@unknown)''. But, just a little bit of essence can make a big difference...maybe this will be helpful? Now, this may come as a surprise, but I've been working as a ski instructor for over a quarter of a century, and when I think about what I look at in my customers, it's mostly their "arms." The "elbow position" of the arm, etc. I can get a rough idea there. Well, almost no mistakes. A person with their arms out in front of them. People like me who can't move their elbows from their sides. Some people keep their arms wide out to the sides, while others like me keep their arms closed. People who have angry shoulders and elbows that are raised upwards, and people who have no tension in their elbows. People whose heads stick out like Kaonashi from Ghibli. On the one hand, it's pretty normal. In the second half of the turn, some people twist their outside wrist inward, while others don't twist it at all. Is there anything that comes to mind for you? ? The arms represent the legs. The movements of the legs are reflected in the arms. This is the idea of a center of mass that we do at home (see the image below). That's all for today. December 24, 2023