午後から晴れ出したので栂池へ。山頂到着が14:45。1時間も滑れれば充分か・・の腹積もり。仕様はXplore。そういえばまだ履いてないな・・のCRISPI FUTURA CXP GTXを試し履き。なるほどー、足の甲を締めるラチェットがあるのね。あとパワーベルトも。そんでプラスチックのカフ。そーですかぁー。さてそんなゲレンデは日中に緩んだシャバ雪が再び凍みて硬くなっていく・・そんな時間帯。リフト一本ごとに滑るようになって行く一方で硬さに引っかかる感じもまたあり。ホホホホホ。キンチョーしながら滑っております。GWレベルに緩んだ正午はアルペン履いてたんだからね。。やることが逆ですよ!ホント。。そんな中でふと思いついてバックショットを低いアングルから撮ってみた。ほぉー。内足の膝の裏、伸ばしてるじゃないですかーー。伸ばして縮めて伸ばして縮め。テレマークってしゃがむ人多いじゃないですか?そして伸びあがって次のターンとかね。。僕の場合は伸ばしてブレーキ、縮めてくるりんなんだよね。伸ばすのは山側の足。もしくは内側の足。ブレーキフット(←お、この言い回し今思いついた!)。実はこの前の新雪でもこの角度で試したんだよね。そしたらGoProが完全に雪まみれ・・。まぁ、そうなるわな。。GoProには迷惑かけたけどいい教材動画となりました。座講に使おう! 2023年12月11日
The weather cleared up in the afternoon, so I headed to Tsugaike. We arrived at the summit at 14:45. We could ski for an hour. The equipment is Xplore. Come to think of it, I haven't put on yet CRISPI FUTURA CXP GTX... so I tried it on. I see, there is a ratchet that tightens the top of the foot. Also a power belt. Then there's the plastic cuff. I see. Now, on such a slope, the snow that has loosened during the day will freeze again and become hard. While I was getting more and more slippery with each lift, I also felt like I was getting stuck on the hardness. Hohohohoho. I'm skiing a little nervous. I was alpine skiing at noon when the snow was soft enough to be used for spring skiing. . You're doing the opposite! really. . Then I suddenly got an idea and decided to take a shot of the back from a low angle. Wow. You're stretching the back of your inner knee, right? Stretch and shrink, stretch and shrink. Isn't there a lot of people squatting in telemark? Then you stand up and take the next turn. . In my case, I extend it and brake, then retract it and spin. Stretch your legs on the mountain side. Or the inside leg. Brake foot (← Oh, that's the word I just thought of!) Actually, I tried this angle on fresh snow the other day. Then, my GoPro was completely covered in snow... Well, I guess it will happen. . Although it caused trouble for GoPro again, it was a good teaching video. Use it for ski school!  December 11, 2023