ステップソウルフル、開幕しております。今年は玄関先からまだ雪が繋がっているのでひとまずそこで。その週末は両日共に猛暑。ゆえに朝食を6:30にして7:30の歩き出しに。板には各人ハーフシール(BDではkicker skinsという)を装着。市販品もあれば金具を手作りして自作したものも。そこで試してみたいことはコレ。「直滑降でどの程度スピードを落とせるものか。もしくはスピードが出るものか」。シーン設定はここ。ステップカットで軽快に登り、ハーフシール貼って直滑降でゆっくりと降りてくる(記録:1)。ハーフシールを貼って登り、下りでは外してターンして降りてくる・・とはちょっと違った章立てなのね。を、あーだこーだと登っては下って実験を。そんなんでたどり着いた斜面はフラットで広大。付けてきたシールを外してステップで登ります(←ステップソウルフルだから)。各人各様あちらにこちら。イシキダは下で寝転がって見物を。いいなぁ〜、春だね〜〜。11:00に戻ると全員が合流してガヤガヤとランチの始まり。そして13:30解散。また各人、スキー持って好きな向きに展開を。嗚呼、ステップソウルフル〜。 2022年4月10日
Step Soulful has begun. This year, the snow is still connected from the front door, so for the time being there. The weekend was extremely hot on both days. Therefore, I set breakfast at 6:30 and started walking at 7:30. Each person has a half-seal (called kicker skins on BD) on skis. Some are commercially available, while others are handmade with metal fittings. This is what I want to try there. "How much can you slow down or speed up by falling straight?" The scene settings are here. Climb lightly with a step cut, attach a half sticker, and slowly descend with a straight descent. It's a slightly different chapter from climbing with a half sticker, removing it on the descent, turning and descending. Then, climb up and down to experiment. The slope I arrived at was flat and vast. Remove the sticker attached and climb with a step cut (← because it is step soulful). Expand to each person. Ishikida lie down and take a look. It's good ~, it's spring ~~. When we returned to 11:00, everyone joined and the lunch started. And it was disbanded at 13:30. In addition, each person has skis and departure in any direction. This is, step soulful ~. April 10, 2022