まさか自分が花粉に負けるとはね。。昨日の事。自転車乗り出してなんだか視界がモヤってるなぁー、とは感じておりました。それでも10分くらいは走っており、ふいに見上げた前方、杉の密生しているあたりから黄緑色のモヤがモヤモヤモヤ〜〜。おぉ=、あれが花粉ってヤツ??と認識した瞬間から強烈に眼が痒くなりはじめ、んぎゃぎゃ〜〜。もうそこで終了。皆が花粉・カフンって言うのが納得できましたヨ。そして、よくぞこの歳になるまで花粉のひとつも認識せずに来れたものだなと。さて、そんなこんなで今朝は朝方まで雨降りだった模様。空気がなんともキレイなり。地面の花粉も側溝に流れこんだことでしょう。ヨシ、自転車乗るぞ!朝スキーを終え時間はお昼。手ごろな周回コースは小川村に決定。となるとお昼はうどん。そのこくやさんは100円値上げ。小麦だもんね。いつもの調子で大盛りにし、案の定、続くヒルクライムで大後悔するという流れ。大丈夫!花粉じゃないんだから。。小川の天文台を越えて降りて鬼無里。から1時間で白馬の白沢峠(参考:1 2 3)。「昔は丸の中に景色だったのになぁー」は毎回のセリフ。降りて起点のサンサンパーク駐車場。一周りの走行距離は60km。変速付きの自転車にとっては楽勝の山坂なのでありました。花も咲き始めて自転車の好適期到来、眺める雪の山もまた素敵!スキーと自転車の2台態勢が今いいかもよ。今季のGWは全編まほろばベースです。持って来れる方は一案に。 2022年4月8日
I don't think I'll lose to pollen. .. yesterday. I felt that my view was not good when I started to ride my bicycle. Even so, I was running for about 10 minutes, and when I looked up at the front, the yellow-green mist was moody from the densely populated area of ??cedar. Oh =, is that pollen? ?? From the moment I realized that, my eyes started to itch intensely, and I was sick. It's already over there. I was convinced that everyone called pollen and kafun. And I often think that I could come without recognizing even one of the pollen until I was this age. By the way, it seems that it was raining until this morning. The air is so beautiful. The pollen on the ground may have flowed into the gutter. Yoshi, I'm going to ride a bicycle! After skiing in the morning, the time is noon. Affordable lap course is decided in Ogawamura. When it comes to lunch, udon noodles. That Kokuya-san raised the price by 100 yen. It's wheat. The flow is to make it big in the usual way, and as expected, I regret it in the following hill climb. fine! It's not pollen. .. Climb to the observatory pass and get off from there to Kinasa. Hakuba's Shirasawa Pass in 1 hour. "In the old days, it was a scenery in a circle" is a line every time. Sun Sun Park parking lot as the starting point. The mileage around is 60km. It was an easy mountain slope for a bicycle with shifting. The flowers have begun to bloom, and the best time for bicycles has arrived, and the snowy mountains you can see are also wonderful! Skiing and biking may be in good shape now. This season's Golden Week is based on Mahoroba. If you can bring it, it may be a good idea. April 8, 2022