とうとう4月。あの年末年始からの豪雪も、時間がたってみるとなんだか懐かしい思い出に。毎日毎日除雪機動かしてたなぁー。。と、そんな今日は晴れた朝。気温低いぞ。外に出てみると雪はカッチカチ。よし、チャンス!さっと着替えて長い長靴用意して倉庫からはFATBIKEを引っ張り出す。今季初乗り。タイヤには空気。朝から疲れるなぁー。出動!グリグリグリ〜〜(←ファットバイクのタイヤとアスファルトの摩擦音)。雪の上。おぉ==、走る走る==。森の中の雪面は決してフラットなわけではない。そしてその自然の凸凹が楽しいんだから堪らない!おぉぉおぉ・・。調子に乗って空気圧をパンパンまで入れ過ぎましたね。しばらく拓けた森の中で登ったり下ったり。あー、愉しいー。これくらい堅かったら普通のマウンテンバイクでもOKでしたね。帰路は1線脇の杉林から入ってピステン跡の残るゲレンデをダウンヒルして無事終了〜。時間にして1時間もかからないくらい。この時期、晴れて冷えた朝にできる朝活でありました。マウンテンバイク、用意ありますのでお泊りの方は是非お試しを。 2022年4月2日
April. The heavy snowfall from the year-end and New Year holidays makes me feel nostalgic as time goes by. I was running the snowplow every day. .. And today is a sunny morning. The temperature is low. When I went outside, the snow was ticking. Alright, chance! Quickly change clothes, prepare long boots, and pull FATBIKE out of the warehouse. First ride this season. Inflate the tires. I'm tired from the morning. Dispatch! Muzzles ~~ (← Fricative noise between fat bike tires and asphalt). On the snow. Oh ==, run run ==. The snow surface in the forest is not flat at all. And the unevenness created naturally is fun! Ooooo ... You got into the tune and put in too much air pressure. Climbing up and down in the woods that have been cultivated for a while. Ah, it's fun. If the snow surface was so hard, it would have been okay to use an ordinary mountain bike. On the way back, I entered from the cedar forest on the side of the 1st line and went downhill on the slope where the remains of Pisten remained, and it ended safely. It takes less than an hour. During this time, it was a morning activity that could be done on a sunny and cold morning. Mountain bikes are available, so if you are staying, please give it a try. April 2, 2022