今日は一日中濃霧でした。この濃霧、ってことはさほど寒くないってことでもあります。加えて陽がささないぶん、雪のコンディションは終始イーブンに。見えない、という一点のみがストレスなんでありますな。。だからスピードを上げてばびゅ==ん!!とダウンヒルしたい方には不向きです。危険。そしてそういう時にこそ出番なのがコブ凸凹レーンなのね(←ここをばびゅ==ん!!と滑れる方には同様に不向きです)。一コブ一コブを丁寧に、先の三つくらいが見えていてくれればOK。その先は真っ白でも構いません。そして今日がそんな感じ。を、午前はアルペンスキーでぐるぐると。Bテレっぽく滑れもするし、モーグルのスクールで習うようにも滑れることを確認。でもやはりアルペンは定石どおりでヨシという結論に。うんうん。履き替えてテレマーク。興に乗ってスカイホイ。ブーツはT2。スカイホイには全く違和感が無いものの、T2のハイカットの方に慣れない感じ。まぁ想定済み。ハイカット履いたらこう滑ればよい、の着眼くらいは持っている。すぐに適用。T4と比べるとどうかというと、2段分ばかり静かに滑れない。これがうちの解。次いでGSの板にケーブルビィンディングの取り合わせ。ブーツはそのままT2。GSの板だから・・という言い訳は安全第一スキーに大事な部分。コブはまだこれからだしね。あまり人の滑っていない、柔らかな圧雪部分のターン気持ちよし。んー、Cテレって感じよねーー。というわけでテレコブ凸凹講習、そろそろ始めます。リクエストどうぞ〜。 2022年3月17日
It was a thick fog all day today. This thick fog also means that it is not so cold. In addition, the snow conditions are even from beginning to end because the sun is not shining. The only thing that makes me stress is that I can't see it. .. That's why speed up! !! Not suitable for those who want to downhill. This is dangerous. And that's when the bumpy lane comes into play (← it's also unsuitable for those who can ski fast here !). It's okay if you can see the first three bumps carefully, one by one. You don't have to see beyond that. And today is like that. In the morning, I've been skiing alpine skiing all the time. I confirmed that I could ski like a B-tele, and I could ski like I learned at a mogul school. But after all, the conclusion is that Alpine is as usual. Next is telemark. The binding is Skyhoy. The boots are T2. Skyhoyi doesn't feel strange at all, but I'm not used to the high cut of T2. Well assumed. When I wear high-cut boots, I just have to ski like this. Apply immediately. Compared to T4, it doesn't ski as quietly as T4. Next, attach the cable binding to the GS skis. The boots are T2 as they are. The excuse that it is a GS ski is an important part of safety first skiing. The bump season has just begun. It feels good to turn the soft snow-packed part where people are not skiing. Hmmm, it feels like C-tele. That's why the telemark mogul class is about to begin. Please make a request ~. March 17, 2022