長男帰省中。早速こちらで始めたアルバイトの最初のお休みが晴れマーク。志賀高原でも行ってみるか〜、といざ出陣。まずは車に初心者マークを3枚ペタペタと。長距離運転と雪道運転の練習もこの機のついでに。あ、高速にも乗ろうかね?降りたらマックのドライブスルーもやってみよーか!とまぁ、到着するまでにすでにいろいろと。そんなで無事到着。道路の凍結がシビアでなくてヨカッタヨカッタ・・。さて焼額からスタート。奥志賀に移動してまた戻ってきてが今日の第一ステージ。第2ステージは車を一ノ瀬に移動してそこから一ノ瀬〜寺子屋〜発哺ブナ平〜西館山〜高天原〜一ノ瀬(山ノ内大勝軒)。から車で移動して横手山が今日の〆のステージに。横手山、懐かしいなぁー。イントラ修業時代、修学旅行要員として何度かお世話になりました。それ以来・・となるとなんと四半世紀ぶり!?ひゃ==、time goes by。。下のリフトが専門だったので上まで上がるのは今回が初めて(!)。おぉ==、景色いいね〜〜。しかも周りは樹氷なってるし==。と、山頂に着いたらまだ先に渋峠スキー場。おお!?これは行かねばなりますまい。そして広がる向こうは群馬県の景色なのね〜。チョナン、じゃなくて長男君はビューンといかにも気持ちよさそうにビュンビュンと。基礎スキー的に上手、では決してないのだけれど、案外と理想のスキーをしているなーー、とはGoProで追っかけながら。いいスキーしてるよ、君。16:00で終了。大満足!!帰路は長野市から彼の運転で。夜間運転練習。狭い道での対向目潰しハイビームの大型トラック。だいぶ神経使いましたね。無事に帰れて豚キムチでご飯4ハイ、さすが若者!また明日からバイト頑張ってくださいな。バイトもスキーなんだけどね。。 2022年3月2日
The eldest son is returning home. The first vacation of the part-time job that I started here is sunny. Would you like to go to Shiga Kogen? First of all, put 3 beginner marks on the car. Practice long-distance driving and driving on snowy roads as well. Oh, should I get on the highway? Let's try McDonald's drive-through! Well, by the time I arrived, there were already various things. That's why I arrived safely. Freezing of the road is not severe, but yokatta yokatta ... Well, start from Yakabitai. Today's first stage is to move to Okushiga and come back again. In the second stage, move the car to Ichinose and from there Ichinose-Terakoya-Bunadaira-Nishidateyama-Takamagahara-Ichinose ( Yamanouchi Taishoken). Travel by car to Yokoteyama. This is the last stage of today. I miss Yokoteyama. I was taken care of several times during my training as an ski instructor. Since then ... it's been a quarter of a century! ?? Hya ==, time goes by. .. This is the first time I've been able to go up to the top because I specialized in the lower lift . Oh ==, the scenery is nice ~~. Moreover, the surrounding area is rime on trees ==. When we reach the top of the mountain, we will find Shibutoge Ski Resort. Oh! ?? This has to go. And the other side that spreads is the scenery of Gunma prefecture. The eldest son skis freely. He's not particularly good at it, but he's doing the ideal skiing I think, while chasing with GoPro. You're skiing good, you. It ends at 16:00. Very satisfied! !! The return trip is from Nagano City by his driving. Night driving practice. A large truck with high beam headlights that closes on narrow roads. You used a lot of nerves. We returned home safely. 4 high rice with pork kimchi, as expected youth! Please do your best part-time job from tomorrow. The part-time job is also skiing. .. March 2, 2022