「先輩、前泊でいらっしゃれませんでしょうか?明日は朝スキーのチャンスです。よろしければ案内(アナイ)させていただきます。」「それではお言葉に甘えまして、今晩入りで参ります!」 と、なんともステキなメールソフトでの会話(←第一変換が海和だった!)からの今朝は6:00時起床の6:30出発。板は宅配で各種4-5本を用意する先輩にして、不思議といつもそうなのだけれど、そのラインナップの中に今日ツアーで使える板が無い・・。というわけで今回は先日杏さんが履いたファット板を履いてもらうことに。星の数ほど板を所持している先輩にしてファット板はお初とか(←えぇ==、そうなんすかっ!?逆に、どういう板を星の数程持ってるの?)。既に歩きながら興味津々のご様子。どうやらツアーモードのビィンディングが初めてらしい・・(←そうでないビィンディングのみを星の数所持・・)。と、そんなこんなで雨中ゲレンデ無事到着。滑ります。最初はおそるおそる。そしてワンターン、ツーターン、しゅるる〜〜〜はさすがです。無事滑り終えた先輩、「ファット板ってなんなんですかね?」。いしきだ答える:「なんでしょーね。でも買っちゃダメよ、先輩」。まほろばに帰って8:30。ゲレンデを滑っているスキーヤーを眺めながらビールぷしゅっ!!用意してくれた朝食にはソーセージ2本。フレンチマスタードとケチャップ付き。分かってるなぁーー。腹ペコに朝ビールして満腹の朝食。もう寝るしかありません。先輩は宅配した板を全て履かなくてはいけないので昼に起きて出動。遅れて起きた僕はこれを執筆。さて、夕方は夕飯前スキーかしら? 2022年2月19日
Senior, could you come the night before? Tomorrow is a chance to ski in the morning. I will guide you if you like. thank you. I will come from tonight. We got up at 6:00 this morning and left at 6:30. As for the board, I made it a senior who prepares various 4-5 boards by home delivery, and it is strange that it is always the case, but there is no board that can be used for today's tour in the lineup. That's why I chose the fat board this time. Although he is a senior who owns as many boards as there are stars, he is the first fat board (← eh ==, what is that !? On the contrary, what kind of board do you have as many as stars?). He looks curious while walking. Apparently it's the first time to binding in tour mode ... Then, I arrived at the Uchu slopes. Now it's downhill. He is afraid at first. And one-turn, two-turn, shuru ~~~ Wonderful. A senior who finished downhill safely, "What is a fat board?" Ishikida answers: "Why? But don't buy it, senior." Return to Mahoroba at 8:30. Beer open while watching the skiers skiing outside windows. Two sausages for breakfast prepared. With French mustard and ketchup. She knows well. Beer in the morning on my stomach and have a full breakfast. I have no choice but to sleep. Seniors have to use all the boards delivered from his homes, so he got up at noon and went out. I got up late and wrote this. By the way, is it skiing before dinner in the evening? February 19, 2022