懐かしいですね〜〜。VOLANT(ヴォラント)ですよ。そしてSKYHOY(スカイホイ)ですよ!ふわぁ〜〜〜〜。倉庫の奥から引っ張り出してみましたよ。おぉ==!!重いぃぃ===!!!なにやら記憶が蘇ってまいりました。。そう、VOLANTは重いのよ。一時期サポートされてた関係もあり、20台近くあったかしらね?ステンレスキャップである特徴の他に、実は薄いんですよね、厚みがね。だからビィンディングを取りつけるのにいちいちネジを削って短くしてました。穴だって開けにくいですよー、ステンレスだもの。。でも乗り味においては独特の良さがありました。よくたわむのに捻じれない。凄いことですよね。唯一無二。そして夕方、よく乗りに出かけてました。。西日にギラリと光る板。そのためにね。を、思い出して今日も夕方に。光りますね〜〜〜、フフフフ。ビィンディングはこれまた懐かしのスカイホイ。どうやって履くんだけっかな?からスタートです。ドキドキの1本目。いいね====!!即納得。アハハハ。楽しいね〜。エッジもグイッと掛かるしね。しばらく履こうかしら、という程に違和感なし。さすがにT4だと弱いからブーツはT2でしょうね。見た目にアレですが、これはまぎれもなくテレマークでありました。んー、最近昔のセットで愉しんでますね、自分。。 2022年2月14日
It's a nostalgic tool ~~. It's VOLANT. And it's SKYHOY! Wow ~~~~. I pulled it out from the back of the warehouse. Oh ==! !! Heavy ===! !! !! Somehow my memory has revived. .. Yes, VOLANT is heavy. I wonder if there were nearly 20 sets because it was supported for a while. Besides the feature of being a stainless steel cap, it's actually thin, isn't it? That's why I cut the screws and shortened them one by one to install the binding. It's hard to make holes, even stainless steel. .. However, there was a unique goodness in the ride quality. It bends well but doesn't twist. That's amazing, isn't it? One and only. And in the evening, I often went out for a ride. .. A board that shines in the setting sun. For that. Remember, in the evening today. It shines ~~~, HUHUHU〜. The binding is also a nostalgic SKYHOY. How do you just put it on? It starts from. The first one I was nervous about. I like ====!! Immediately convinced. AHAHAHA〜. It's fun! The edges work great. I don't feel any discomfort as if I should use it for a while. As expected, T4 is weak, so boots are probably T2. It looks like that, but it was definitely a telemark. Hmmm, I've been enjoying the old set lately, fun. .. February 14, 2022