自撮り2回目。あの人随分と後ろに反って滑ってるなぁー、は自撮り棒を斜め前下方からのアングルに置くとそう見えてしまうのです、ということがよく分かった次第。。GoPro、広角ですからね。画角の端っこに向かって伸びる一方で、逆に真ん中は縮まって見える。なるーー。自撮り棒の長さは90p。他人を撮る時にはその90pの外側を撮っているんだけど、自撮りはその90pの範囲内がワールドなのね。。もうあと20p程度、長かったら滑っている絵も落ち着くかしらね?と、そんなこんなで今日もリーバ2とT4の組み合わせ。板、シェーレン(英語だとシザース)してやしない!?なんてのも見てビックリでありました。なんちゅーか・・片手はGoProで固定、片手はストック・・なんてことするとそうなっちゃうのかしら?それとも道具?いよいよ杏さんに撮ってもらはなくてはいけない模様。晴れたら頼む! 2022年2月8日
Second selfie. As soon as I realized that he was skiing with a lot of leaning back, and if he put the selfie stick at an angle from diagonally forward and downward, it would look like that. .. The angle of view of GoPro is wide. While it stretches toward the edge of the angle of view, it looks shrunk in the middle. The length of the selfie stick is 90 cm. When I take a picture of another person, I take a picture of the outside of that 90 cm, but when I take a selfie, the world is within that 90 cm. .. It's about 20 cm more, and if it's long, I wonder if the figure that is turning will calm? And, like that, the combination of Riva 2 and T4 is still today. Isn't the movement of the board, Schellen (scissors in English)? I was surprised to see it. What is it ... One hand is fixed with GoPro, one hand is ski pole ... I wonder if that happens? Or is it a tool? It seems that Kyousan should finally take a picture. Next time it's sunny,please ! February 8, 2022