チャンス到来!4時に起きて空は星空。除雪は日中に屋根雪が落ちてからでよし。ヨシヨシ。出かけられるな。今日のターゲットは雨中ゲレンデ(通称)。を、山の端から朝日が出てきたタイミングで斜面が紅く染まってくれればいいんだけど。滅多にないんだよね。。 とまぁ、そんな様子で暗い時間にいざ出陣。今日も板はVoileのチャージャーで。これ、当時日本に無くって、フランスから空輸で取り寄せたんだっけ。たしかテレマークピレニーズ。2本か3本ね。絵がいいよね。到着した雨中ゲレンデはノートラック。朝日に間に合うようにと急ぎ直登。シールつけてクライミングサポート上げて。ここで初めてビィンディングのツアーモードっていいな、と知る。山頂で一息。山の端が一気に白んできた!ステップで移動。太陽が顔出しました===。斜面、、紅くならず==、残念==。ふぅ〜〜っ!でも良いのです。僕にはまだまだ好きなモードがあるのです。それは「光と影の端境を」。ここをスキーでまたぐその瞬間!くぅ〜〜。やりました〜。THE WORLDでした!スキー、上手で良かったなぁ〜。今日は一本で大満足。こういうスキーを続けて行きたいぞ。 2022年1月22日
A chance has come! Wake up at 4 o'clock and the sky is a starry sky. Snow removal should be done after the roof snow has fallen during the day.good, good. I can go out. Today's target is the uchu slope (commonly known as). It would be nice if the slopes were dyed red when the rising sun came out from the edge of the mountain. How is it? It's rare. .. Well, like that, I went out in the dark. The board is a Voile charger today as well. This wasn't in Japan at that time, so I ordered it by air from France. Certainly Telemark Pyrenees. Two or three. I like the picture. The uchu slope that arrived is no track. I hurriedly climbed straight in time for the morning sun. Attach a skins and raise the climbing support. For the first time here, I learned that the binding tour mode is good. Take a break at the top of the mountain. The edge of the mountain has turned white at once! Move in steps. The sun came out ===. Slope, not red ==, sorry ==. Hmmmm! But it's okay. I still have my favorite mode. It is "the boundary between light and shadow". The moment you ski across here! Kuu ~~. Did it・・. It was THE WORLD. I'm glad I was good at skiing. I am very satisfied with this one today. I want to continue skiing like this. January 22, 2022