カメラ&スキー部。昨晩から30p以上の積雪にして朝からの上天気。いわゆるTHE DAY。まずはブンブンと滑らねばなりますまいな。ということでゲレンデだと40-50cmの積雪と読み、Sさんにはローカーファット板を履いてもらう。昨日は横滑りの練習してたのにぃ〜〜、が今日は一転して直滑降ヨロシク!!天啓、せっかくのギフトは活かしましょう活かしましょう。4線の斜度をひたすら真っすぐに真っすぐに。Sさん、いい経験積みましたね〜。 さてカメラ部としては6線の方の林間に移動。杉の葉に積もった雪が崩れ落ちる時のあのシャワー、そこを逆光で狙って撮りたいところ。カメラを構えながら滑ってるSさんは、被写体に気が向いているせいなのかすくっと立てておりいい感じ。POWDERもあの感じで行ければなぁー。次の直滑降はカメラを構えてもらおうかしら(笑)?と、そんなこんなしてたら午前中があっという間。まほろばに戻るとランチはビーフストロガノフ(←ポークだけどね)。ならば!とちょうど届いていたサッポロの赤星をプシュッ!と開けてALL DONE。Sさん、ありがとね。夕方は全部落ちた屋根雪の除雪に奮闘、家周りがスッキリとなりました。あー、働いたなぁーー。 2021年12月28日
Camera & ski club. It has been snowing more than 30 cm since last night and the weather is fine from the morning. So-called THE DAY. First of all, I have to ski. So, if it's a slope, it's read as 40-50 cm of snow, and Ssan is asked to use a rocker fat board. I was practicing skidding yesterday, but today I went straight down! !! Revelation, let's make good use of the precious gifts Let's make good use of it. Straighten the slope of the 4 lines. Ssan, you have a good experience. As for the camera part, we moved to the forest beside the 6th line. That shower when the snow on the leaves of the cedar collapses, where I want to shoot against the sun. Ssan, who is skiing while holding the camera, feels good because she is standing upright because she is interested in the subject. I wish in POWDER could go like that. Will you hold the camera for the next straight run? Returning to Mahoroba, lunch is Beef Stroganoff (← pork). Then! The red star of Sapporo that just arrived! Open it and ALL DONE. Thank you, Ssan. In the evening, I struggled to remove all the snow from the roof,and the surroundings of the house became refreshing. Ah, I worked well.   December 28. 2021